Unique Mixproof CP-3

The Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof CP-3 Valve is a versatile, highly efficient and lightweight valve for the safe and efficient management of fluids at intersection points in valve-matrix and piped systems. Based on the well proven and exceptionally versatile principle of the Unique Mixproof valves from Alfa Laval, it enables the simultaneous flow of two different products or fluids through the same valve without any risk of cross-contamination.

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Highly efficient light-weight, reduced vent valve

  • Gentle product handling, enhanced product safety
  • Cost-effective, spillage-free operation
  • Optimized plant efficiency and enhanced cleanability
  • Leakage detection and leakage chamber cleaning
  • Fully configurable to fit your exact needs

The valve provides exceptional spillage-free operation and is compliant with most hygienic standards, including the 3-A Sanitary Standards, the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance and the seat lift requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration. With its modular design and a wide variety of options, the valve can be customized to meet any process requirement and provides low total cost of ownership. The valve maximizes available floor space while significantly minimizing downtime and consumption of Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) media. The Unique Mixproof CP-3 Valve is designed for continuous flow management in hygienic processes where product safety is at the top of the agenda. It is widely used across the dairy, food, beverage and many other industries.

Cost effective mixproof valve

Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof CP-3 features two independent plugs designed to be PMO compliant and meet the strict guides of 3A Sanitary Standard 85-03 ensuring the pressure in the leakage chamber is atmospheric or less during any working condition. Therefore, a single Unique Mixproof CP-3 valve can often replace two or more valves of other types.

Exceptional spillage-free operation

A state-of-the-art double-seat design provides long-lasting, spillage-free operation thus minimizing the risk of product contamination. The use of double lip seals provides added protection to ensure safe and hygienic operation.

Easy valve to maintain and clean

Unique mixproof CP-3 valves feature a top-loaded design, making maintenance fast and easy. It also features no adjustable components, a maintenance-friendly actuator and built-in leakage detection on all seals. Unique mixproof valves meet most hygienic standards and can be supplied with the optional SpiralClean cleaning system. 

You get the full benefit of using Unique mixproof valves by combining them with Alfa Laval ThinkTop and ThinkTop Basic valve sensing and control units.

Valve clusters - customized flow solutions 

We are specialists in providing pre-built valve clusters customized to meet specific, individual requirements.
Our expertise helps ensure you the most efficient flow management, using as few components as possible and dealing effectively with key issues that include thermal cycling, cleanability, drainability and flow control.
Alfa Laval valve clusters can be supplied pre-assembled and pre-tested as well as fully wired and with all the necessary pneumatic tubing, junction boxes and control panels pre-connected.
This means you can bring even complex installations online as quickly as possible, saving time and avoiding lost revenue associated with on-site troubleshooting and downtime. 

Kako radi


The unique mixproof valve concept is based on a series of base components, including valve body, valve plug, actuator and cleaning options and accessories that support a wide range of applications. Using these components, you can build a Unique mixproof valve to match your exact process requirements.

To facilitate maintenance, the Unique mixproof valve also features leakage detection holes that provide advance notification of wear or damage to static o-rings. Operators can visually inspect the valve at any time without having to disassemble it.

Operating principle

The Alfa Laval Unique mixproof valve is a normally closed (NC) valve that is controlled from a remote location by means of compressed air.

To separate the two liquids, the valve has two independent plug seals. The space between the two seals forms an atmospheric leakage chamber. In the rare case of accidental product leakage, the product flows into the leakage chamber and is discharged through the leakage outlet.

When the valve is open, the leakage chamber is closed. The product can then flow from one line to the other without spillage. The valve can easily be cleaned and protected against the effects of water hammer according to the specific requirements of the process and the configuration of the valve. (There is no product spillage during valve operation).


Save water with ThinkTop

Do something good for the environment and save up to 95% in CIP liquid when cleaning your valves. Innovations like ThinkTop sensing and control units make more efficient use of resources while safeguarding process hygiene. Add ThinkTop to your valves to optimize your processes.

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Asortiman jedinstvenih ventila koji sprečavaju mešanje tečnosti

Koncept jedinstvenog Alfa Laval ventila koji sprečava mešanje tečnosti obezbeđuje modularna rešenja koja možete lako da prilagodite svojim specifičnim zahtevima. To znači da plaćate samo za tačne karakteristike i mogućnosti koje su vam zaista potrebne. Da bi se izbor olakšao, dostupna je serija Unique ventila koji sprečavaju mešanje tečnosti.


Unique Mixproof UltraPure

Unique Mixproof UltraPure w ThinkTop V70 50x89.jpg Unique Mixproof UltraPure ventil je razvijen i dizajniran da zadovolji stroge zahteve biotehnološke i farmaceutske industrije. Ovo rešenje ventila obezbeđuje veći stepen fleksibilnosti postrojenja što rezultira optimizovanom efikasnošću postrojenja bez ugrožavanja bezbednosti proizvoda. Kupci imaju nekoliko opcija koje odgovaraju individualnim potrebama; na primer, nerđajuća legura za poboljšanje otpornosti na koroziju. Kao i sva naša UltraPure oprema, Unique Mixproof UltraPure se isporučuje sa Alfa Laval Q-doc paketom dokumentacije.

 Unique Mixproof Basic

Unique Mixproof Basic w V50_72x89.jpg Unique Basic ima osnovne komponente koje obezbeđuju značajnu bezbednost i detekciju curenja. Poseduje aktuator bez podizanja sedišta i nebalansiranih čepova.

Unique Mixproof SeatClean

Unique Mixproof SeatClean w ThinkTop V70_72x89.jpg Unique SeatClean je izbor za standardne instalacije koje upravljaju proizvodima sa čvrstim materijama. Podizanje sedišta tokom normalnih procedura čišćenja čisti čepove i sedišta. Balansirani donji čep eliminiše rizik od mešanja proizvoda usled udara pritiska ili kada je pritisak u cevi visok.

Unique Mixproof HighClean

Unique_Mixproof_High_Clean_w_ThinkTop_V50_72x89.jpg Unique HighClean zadovoljava vaše potrebe obrade kada raditesa lepljivim proizvodima. SpiralClean obezbeđuje temeljno čišćenje vretena, gornjih i donjih čepova i u komori za curenje. Sa balansiranim gornjim i donjim čepom, konfiguracija ovog ventila štiti od uticaja visokog pritiska i vodenog udara.

Unique Mixproof UltraClean

Unique_Mixproof_Ultra_Clean_w_ThinkTop_V70_72x89.jpg Unique UltraClean ispunjava najviše zahteve za higijensku obradu lepljivih proizvoda, proizvoda sa visokim sadržajem čvrstih materija ili primena koje zahtevaju uslove koji su bliski aseptičnim. Poseduje aktuator sa integrisanim podizanjem sedišta, balansirane gornje i donje čepove i SpiralClean.

Product Benefits

  • Cost effective
  • Minimizing the risk of product contamination
  • Making maintenance fast and easy


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Najnovija online verzija "Na dohvat ruke". Katalog proizvoda higijenske opreme Alfa Laval - Na dohvat ruke uključuje letke proizvoda, krive efikasnosti, veze do animacija, brošura i cenovnika za naručivanje.

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