Alfa Laval UVPX range of separators is aimed for efficient and gentle purification of olive oil. These separators are designed and configured to provide an outstanding separation efficiency and exceptional purity of the final product. With these separators you get the best quality oil out of the olives delivered to your processing facility, regardless of the scale of your production.
Robust separation technology for gentle and efficient olive oil clarification
- Sustainable and efficient separation
- Gentle product treatment
- Easy to operate and maintain
- Lower energy consumption
- Minimal product losses
The UVPX separator lives up to the highest standards for efficiency and functionality. The design is based on criteria that include customer demands for gentle oil treatment, outstanding separation efficiency, easy installation and operation, and good serviceability.
The UVPX separator is designed for intermittent discharge of solids, while separating two intermixed and mutually insoluble liquid phases of different densities. It is most frequently used to clarify oil and to recover any traces of residual oil in the olive vegetable water.
UVPX range
UVPX 507
- Capacity up to 800 l/h
- Gentle treatment of the product
- Minimal product loss
- Outstanding separation performance
- Easy to operate and maintain
- Simple process optimization
UVPX 510
- Capacity up to 1500 l/h
- Gentle treatment of the product
- Minimal product loss
- Outstanding separation performance
- Easy to operate and maintain
- Simple process optimization
Test, validate, and scale up your next separation solution
Whether upgrading your production line or running a proof of concept, Alfa Laval helps you choose the right separator solution with confidence. Simply get in touch to arrange a consultation and trial at one of our test centres, or to rent a unit for onsite testing.
Separator Innovator
Da li biste želeli da saznate više o našim inovacijama u tehnologiji separacije? Kliknite na link ispod. Kompanija Alfa Laval je izumela prvi separator sa snopom diskova i predvodi put u razvoju tehnologije centrifuga više od jednog veka. Zadovoljstvo nam je da sa vama delimo stručnost koju smo stekli na tom putu. Posetite našu bazu znanja Separator Innovator da biste saznali više o napretku u separaciji i koracima koje kompanija Alfa Laval preduzima kako bi nastavila da revolucioniše tehnologiju.