The Alfa Laval FESX nozzle bowl separators are designed for industrial fermentation applications and are available in many different sizes and configurations, each one designed and adapted for dealing with the widely varying separation tasks required.
The FESX separators are of the nozzle bowl type. The design makes them ideal for separating micro-organisms with high cell content and with or without solids impurities in the feed.
In the FESX separators the cells are continuously discharged through nozzles placed in the bowl periphery. By this design it can handle larger micro organisms, e.g. yeast, with high cell content.
Kako radi
The feed containing the liquid and the solids is introduced to the rotating centrifuge bowl from the top via a stationary inlet pipe, and is accelerated in a distributor before entering the disc stack. Separation takes place between the discs. The light phase moves through the disc stack towards the centre of the bowl, and is pumped out under pressure by means of a built-in paring disc. The yeast is collected at the bowl periphery and continuously discharged through the nozzles. Filler pieces prevent build-up of the solids between the nozzles.
Test, validate, and scale up your next separation solution
Whether upgrading your production line or running a proof of concept, Alfa Laval helps you choose the right separator solution with confidence. Simply get in touch to arrange a consultation and trial at one of our test centres, or to rent a unit for onsite testing.
Separator Innovator
Da li biste želeli da saznate više o našim inovacijama u tehnologiji separacije? Kliknite na link ispod. Kompanija Alfa Laval je izumela prvi separator sa snopom diskova i predvodi put u razvoju tehnologije centrifuga više od jednog veka. Zadovoljstvo nam je da sa vama delimo stručnost koju smo stekli na tom putu. Posetite našu bazu znanja Separator Innovator da biste saznali više o napretku u separaciji i koracima koje kompanija Alfa Laval preduzima kako bi nastavila da revolucioniše tehnologiju.