
The Alfa Laval ViscoVap tubular evaporator concentrates highly viscous, heat-sensitive liquids with fibre and solid contents under low-temperature vacuum conditions. Compact and efficient, it is more resistant to fouling due to high flow rates, high heat transfer efficiency, and a self-cleaning effect. This reduces energy, water, cleaning media costs while generating less effluent. Perfect for concentrating foodstuffs like fruit and vegetable purées as well as finishing effluent concentration.

Viscovap tubular evaporator

Concentrate on quality and yield of high-viscosity, heat-sensitive products at low temperature and high heat transfer efficiency

  • Preserves the quality of highly viscous, heat-sensitive products
  • Minimal fouling risks due high velocity, high shear stress, smooth heat transfer surfaces, and self-cleaning effect
  • More uptime due to reliable, robust, self-cleaning construction
  • Versatile, modular design makes it easy to process various products with similar physical properties and adapt capacity as needed
  • High yields due to long running times – ideal for uninterrupted processing of fresh produce during harvest season

Enhance product quality, cut costs and boost yield by concentrating highly viscous, heat-sensitive liquids containing fibres and solids with the Alfa Laval ViscoVap forced circulation evaporator.

Increase uptime, thanks to smooth heating surfaces that promote high product flow rate with minimal fouling through the shell-and-tube heat exchanger. 


Applications of forced circulation evaporator

  • Concentration of highly viscous, heat-sensitive or shear-thinning media containing fibres and large particles that are prone to fouling  
  • Final effluent concentration or finishing of the effluent
After finalizing on our requirement for the new bio-methanated spent wash evaporator plant, we discussed our vision of achieving zero liquid discharge with Alfa Laval experts. Alfa Laval came up with the innovative feed degasification and condensate stripping systems.  – Mr. H.K.Yadava, General Manager – Distillery, Harinagar Sugar Mills, Bihar, India (Zero liquid discharge from distillery wastewater) 
The system has been up and running now for almost five years, and our early worries about cleaning frequency have proven groundless. In addition to reliability, savings due to less frequent cleaning is a major advantage– Mr. Sanjay Chopra, Vice President, Jagatjit Industries Ltd.

View our full range of evaporators



Usluge za prehrambene sisteme

Usluge Alfa Laval za prehrambene sisteme pomažu u poboljšanju učinka vaših prehrambenih sistema maksimiziranjem učinka vaših procesa. Ovo vam omogućava:

  • Da neprestano poboljšavate svoje poslovanje kako biste održali konkurentsku prednost
  • Da se fokusirate na vreme rada bez kvarova, optimizaciju i dostupnost
  • Da maksimalno povećate povraćaj ulaganja tokom životnog ciklusa vaših prehrambenih sistema

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Versatile and modular

In addition to increasing capacity to meet changing process requirements, the ViscoVap forced circulation evaporator can connect to the Alfa Laval AromaVap plate evaporator to concentrate juice, herbal extracts and aromatic components from the condensate for re-addition to the concentrated product or for separate storage and reuse at a later stage. 

How the ViscoVap forced circulation evaporator works

The Alfa Laval ViscoVap tubular evaporator can be configured as a single-stage or multiple-effect forced circulation evaporator comprised of one or more recirculating loops. The product flows at high velocity through the inner tube of a shell-and-tube heat exchangers; the transfer of heat takes place from the shell side.  

The high flow rate realized in each shell-and-tube heat exchanger generates high shear stress along the heating surfaces; this increases heat transfer efficiency and creates a self-cleaning effect. 

The combination of high turbulence and shear stress generated by recirculating a portion of the concentrate back to the feed stream facilitates processing of sticky, viscous products with high fibre and solids content. The heated product then flows into a vapour separation vessel where the water is separated from the product by flash effect.  

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