
Proven and reliable, the Alfa Laval FilmVap falling film evaporator effectively concentrates large volumes of low- to medium-fouling liquids – economically and energy-efficiently. Robust and easy to operate and maintain, this multiple-effect, shell-and-tube evaporator takes up less than comparable units, due to its innovative arrangement of highly efficient vapour-liquid separators. Uniform liquid distribution and adequate wetting helps reduce fouling, cleaning frequency and downtime.

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High volumes of quality concentrate from heat-sensitive, fouling-prone process liquids in a compact, high-efficiency, low-maintenance evaporator

  • High quality condensate due to efficient liquid distribution and vapour-liquid separation under vacuum conditions
  • Low maintenance requirements due to low temperatures and high heat transfer efficiency, which reduce fouling
  • Robust, user-friendly design with broad operating range for more uptime and low maintenance
  • Versatile, easy to operate and highly adaptable to a wide variety of applications and capacities up to 50 tons per hour in a single unit
  • Enhanced energy efficiency through the use of a multiple-effect arrangement or the addition of thermal or mechanical vapor recompression units

Optimize concentration of temperature-sensitive, low- to medium-viscosity process liquids with the Alfa Laval FilmVap falling-film evaporator. Low temperature differences, high heat transfer efficiency and high fouling resistance due to minimal product surface contact time make this falling film tubular evaporator FilmVap a solid choice for a broad range of evaporation duties. 

Compact, economical, and easy to operate and easy to maintain, it is ideal for processing low- to-medium viscosity process liquids at capacities up to 50 tons per hour. Realize additional energy efficiency by using multiple effect configurations or combining the Alfa Laval FilmVap falling film evaporator with thermal vapour recompression (TVR) and/or mechanical vapour recompression (MVR) units. 

Pioneer management is very happy with the commitment level, technical competency and dedication of the Alfa Laval team.  – Mr. S.S. Tomar, Chief Executive Officer, Pioneer Industries Ltd., Pathankot Punjab, India (Energy savings from concentrating spent wash from grain-based distillery using alcohol vapour from the distillation columns as the only heating medium/fuel.) 
After finalizing on our requirement for the new bio methanated spent wash evaporator plant, we discussed our vision of achieving zero liquid discharge with Alfa Laval experts. Alfa Laval came up with the innovative feed degasification and condensate stripping systems.  – Mr. H.K.Yadava, General Manager – Distillery, Harinagar Sugar Mills, Bihar, India  (Zero liquid discharge from distillery wastewater) 

View our full range of evaporators





Usluge za prehrambene sisteme

Usluge Alfa Laval za prehrambene sisteme pomažu u poboljšanju učinka vaših prehrambenih sistema maksimiziranjem učinka vaših procesa. Ovo vam omogućava:

  • Da neprestano poboljšavate svoje poslovanje kako biste održali konkurentsku prednost
  • Da se fokusirate na vreme rada bez kvarova, optimizaciju i dostupnost
  • Da maksimalno povećate povraćaj ulaganja tokom životnog ciklusa vaših prehrambenih sistema

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Platter distributor



The combination of uniform distribution of liquid in a platter distributor and adequate wetting helps to avoid inefficient distribution and significantly reduces fouling in the tubes. The vent tubes maintain pressure equilibrium above and below the distributor plate as well as maintaining a consistent static weight of liquid on the distribution plate. 

Jet distributor 

Another type of liquid distributor available in Alfa Laval FilmVap shell and tube evaporators is the jet distributor, fitted with solid cone spray nozzles. The size and quantity of these nozzles depend on the liquid flow and the tube sheet diameter in the heat exchanger. The larger hole size compared with a platter distributor reduces the risk of blocking the nozzle and ensures even distribution to the tubes. 

To reduce the temperature, the separation stage occurs under vacuum conditions, created by condensing the vapour from the last effect in a condenser. A vacuum pump generally removes any non-condensable gases.  

The use of multiple effects reduces steam consumption in the evaporator. The vapour produced in one effect serves as the heating media in the subsequent effect. Using thermal vapour recompression and/or mechanical vapour recompression in combination with these effects further reduces steam consumption to a fraction of the evaporation capacity. 


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How the FilmVap falling film evaporator(ffe) works

In the first stage, the process liquid enters the feed inlet at the top of the evaporator. A specially designed liquid distributor ensures uniform distribution of the liquid into the heating tubes. Due to the force of gravity, the liquid flows downwards in a continuous film across the inner surfaces of tubes. Steam applied to the exterior of the tubes raises the temperature of the liquid. As boiling occurs, the film, accelerated by the produced vapour, falls to the bottom of the tubes. At the tube bottom, a mixture of vapour and concentrated fluid enters the second effect or separation stage. 

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