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We remove many gigawatts of energy from data centers all over the world every day

Data center sustainability metrics

How can we measure sustainability? For many years the industry has been using Power Usage Effectiveness to measure energy efficiency. But, as more challenges arise, more measures need to be taken.

In this short video we will go through four new metrics that data centers have started using to measure efficiency.

Data center protection with heat exchanger technology

There are many challenges that come with having liquid in a cooling system. But, with the help of Alfa Laval’s proven gasketed place-and-frame heat exchanger solutions and leading expertise in data center cooling, you won’t need to face them.


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Da li su vam potrebne BIM datoteke?

Alfa Laval izmenjivači toplote su sada dostupni u digitalnoj infrastrukturi za BIM objekte. Pregledajte i preuzmite datoteke za informaciono modeliranje zgrada (BIM) za vaša rešenja za prenos toplote.

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Zahtevajte nove standarde

Predstavljamo najsavremenije pločaste izmenjivače toplote sa zaptivačem na svetu. Otkrijte kako će vam naša linija pločastih izmenjivača toplote sa zaptivačem sledeće generacije doneti veću efikasnost, bolju pouzdanost i veću upotrebljivost.

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