
Manufactured with Alfa Laval’s patented AlfaFusion technology, AlfaNova is a heat exchanger consisting of corrugated stainless steel plates bonded together without any copper or nickel. The unique design means that AlfaNova can withstand more extreme temperatures and pressures with greater fatigue resistance than conventional brazed plate heat exchangers. It is also suitable for duties with very high hygiene demands.

AlfaNova fusion bonded plate heat exchangers

More with AlfaNova

  • An optimal solution for hygienic applications such as tap water systems
  • Copper-free design is suitable for use with ammonia refrigerant and for clean water refrigeration chiller applications
  • Load distribution across many contact points secures excellent resistance to pressure fatigue
  • AHRI-certified for reliable thermal performance in a range of HVAC applications
  • Available with marine classification for use in a range of LPG/LNG duties, due to wide temperature range and copper-free construction

AlfaNova’s unique fusion-bonded manufacturing process provides greater reinforcement for the plate pack, which in turn ensures a higher degree of pressure resistance than that offered by comparable technologies. Additionally, the 100% stainless steel construction makes it possible to withstand temperatures as high as 550°C (1020°F). As a result, the AlfaNova fusion-bonded plate heat exchanger is highly dependable in applications with extreme pressure and/or temperature demands. Use of the same material for all key components also provides high thermal efficiency, in addition to giving the unit mechanical strength equivalent to any fully welded counterpart.

Meet the new AlfaNova GL50

The GL50 is an asymmetric gas-to-liquid plate heat exchanger made from 100% stainless steel. It is small enough to hold in one hand, but can handle gas flows of 250 cubic meter per hour, as well as inlet gas temperatures up to 750°C, with exceptional performance.



AlfaNova heat exchangers are available with certification according to the Liquid-to-Liquid Brazed and Fusion-Bonded Heat Exchanger programme of The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). For heat exchangers used in HVAC applications, this programme offers independent, third-party verification of thermal performance according to manufacturers’ published specifications.

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How it works

Two media at different temperatures flow on either side of thin corrugated stainless steel plates that are stacked on top of each other. The two media flow in a countercurrent flow through alternate channels and are held within the plate pack by a fusion-bonded seal around the edge of the plates. The points at which the plates are in contact with each other are also bonded with the same technology, reinforcing the pack against the pressure of the media inside.

The countercurrent flow makes it possible to extract heat efficiently even when there are only extremely small differences between the temperatures of the hot and cold media. This results in notable energy cost savings. In some systems, co-current flows re also possible.

View the animation to learn more.


Jedinstvene funkcije za povećanje performansi

Sa više od 80 godina iskustva u polju inovacija prenosa toplote, Alfa Laval zna šta je potrebno za postizanje visokih performansi. Naši stručnjaci kontinuirano razvijaju nove inovacije pomoću kojih AlfaNova linija izmenjivača toplote dobija pouzdanije i efikasnije performanse.

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Neuporediva snaga za zahtevne dužnosti

Naši inovativni dizajni ploča podržavaju najširi spektar primena na visokim temperaturama i pod visokim pritiskom. Jedinice mogu da rade koristeći tanje ploče i manje ploča, što znači manje sirovina, manju potrošnju energije, smanjeno punjenje rashladnog sredstva i duži životni ciklus opreme.



Vrhunske toplotne performanse

Alfa Lavalov patentirani asimetrični dizajn ploče jedna je od mnogih jedinstvenih inovacija koje vam poboljšavaju toplotnu efikasnost zahvaljujući optimizovanom padu pritiska i većoj turbulenciji.   Pored redukcije potrošnje energije, to znači i smanjenje količine rashladnog sredstva i sirovina.


100% nerđajući čelik

Napravljen od 100% nerđajućeg čelika, AlfaNova® je rešenje koje Alfa Laval nudi za primene koje koriste medije koji nisu kompatibilni sa tradicionalnim materijalima izmenjivača toplote. Ne samo da je ovaj napredni dizajn optimizovan za upotrebu sa prirodnim rashladnim sredstvima, već se i u potpunosti može reciklirati.


A fuel cell system built with Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers - Sustainable, safe and cost efficient

When the German renewable energy supplier HEE Technologies GmbH designed combined heat and power (CHP) fuel cell system, it was a clear choice to use Alfa Laval’s plate heat exchangers for fuel cell stack cooling and exhaust heat recovery. The system uses hydrogen as energy source, making it sustainable, safe, and cost efficient.

The HEE fuel cell system

Pronalaženje odgovarajućeg izmenjivača toplote

Uz stručnost stečenu decenijama iskustva u razmeni toplote, Alfa Laval nudi smernice i korisne alate koji će vam pomoći da se suočite sa današnjim izazovima grejanja i hlađenja. Naš vodič za proizvode je interaktivni resurs koji možete koristiti za pronalaženje idealnog rešenja za vašu aplikaciju.

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